
Bruneian solar company to penetrate China market

RAB Global Green signs agreement with Shenzhen Huaya Regional Economic Development Service Center

Bruneian company RAB Global Green (RAB) are priming to enter the China market with their patented colour and uniquely shaped solar panels after signing an agreement with the Shenzhen Huaya Regional Economic Development Service Center (HUAYA) at the 14th China-ASEAN Expo yesterday.

RAB director Ak Dani Halim Pg Abu Bakar (pictured main 2nd L) yesterday said the agreement allows RAB to access to HUAYA’s network of distributors, clients and business partners, which will ultimately help RAB effectively market their patented solar products which should begin production immediately after the opening of their $17 million factory in Serasa by the end of 2017.

“This agreement with HUAYA allows us the leverage on their extensive network with the high tech industry in China and around the world,” said Ak Dani, who will also participate in the China Hi-Tech Fair later this year as a result of the agreement. “Right now we are on track to complete our factory, and begin production by the end of year.”

Dani explained that RAB’s planned product line falls into two distinct categories; smaller household and office products like table lamps and photo frames and building materials including tiles, roofing and sheets that can envelope a building’s exterior.

All products are using photovoltaics (PV) system – colloquially referred to as solar – which convert, store and channel the sun’s energy into usable electricity.

RAB imports solar panels wholesale, primarily from China, which is currently experciening a glut in supply according to several leading news agencies, driving down prices and making the technology affordable to the everyday person.

RAB’s unique selling point lies in the customization of imported panels. Using patented technology, the company cuts, shapes and prints (in colour) just about any design, from text to personal portraits.

Ak Dani claims the colour printing process only results in a 10 per cent loss in efficiency, and has more boldly said that their shaping and colour printing technology is “the world’s first”.

“Part of the issue with solar products is that they aren’t necessarily the most (aesthetically) appealing in design (both dimensional and visually). With our technology we can create solar products that only sacrifice a small efficiency for a product that comfortably fits into any household or building,” says Ak Dani.

“I am confident that we are on the brink of bringing to market what will be a truly unique innovation in the solar industry.”

The invention is courtesy of Taiwanese inventor Hunter Hsu, who RAB’s Director Rabiatul Adawiyah Abdullah met several years ago while Hsu was still operating a small research and development company in Taiwan.

Hsu, who now works for RAB, said he started experimenting on solar panels more than a decade ago – years before solar technology became mainstream.

“Sixteen years ago, I began experimenting on cutting solar panels into different shapes. The colouring and printing I worked on about four years ago,” he said.

Hsu said Brunei’s proximity to the equator and Southeast Asia’s growing prominence encouraged him to join RAB in their venture, and while there were other companies in Taiwan who were keen on his colour printing technology, he credited RAB directors as the first to show “faith in my products”.

Signing on behalf of HUAYA was its Secretary-General Mason Zhang, with Deputy Minister of Finance Dato Seri Paduka Dr Awang Haji Mohd Amin Liew Abdullah present as witness to the agreement.