Customer contact centre Comquest has become the first Brunei IT company to receive International Organization for Standardization (ISO) certifications for both 9001:2015 and 18295-1.
Comquest – a joint venture between TelBru and Oman’s BahwanCyberTek – achieved the certifications last month through Darussalam Enterprise’s (DARe) Standards Consultancy Programme (SCP).
Comquest’s management said undergoing the certification process has helped them shore up their internal processes to better meet and proactively anticipate customer’s needs through increased documentation and planning in their workflow.
Comquest’s contact centre is Brunei’s largest, with its 90 phone operators receiving 3,000 to 4,000 calls a day for hotlines including the National Call Centre (Talian Darussalam) 123, TelBru, Brunei Shell Marketing, Ministry of Health and Jollibee.
“Since starting in 2012 we have to grown to a workforce of a hundred (employees), over 95% which are Bruneians; reaching a critical mass where industry certification and recognition is very important to continuously deliver and improve as we operate,” said Comquest’s General Manager Gauarv Shrotriya.

ISO 9001 is a standard that reflects an organization’s ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. With over one million organizations from 170 countries certified, ISO 9001 is considered one of the most fundamental quality management system standards.
Meanwhile ISO 18295 is a standard for customer contact centres and specifies a framework for them to understand the expectations and perceptions of their customers – and provide the targeted response and customer experience – when addressing inquiries or complaints.
Shortriya added that Comquest is also expanding beyond contact centre operations to provide IT solutions including Human Resources Management Systems (HRMS), AI-driven chat bots and data analytics for government agencies, financial institutions and telco companies.
DARe’s SCP provides fully sponsored consultancy through an appointed expert who will outline the requirements for the certifications as well as guide and review the businesses individually over six months on their respective operations to advise what measures need to be taken to achieve the applied standards.
Participating businesses are expected to follow through by engaging an independent certification body for an audit within six months. Comquest was audited by Bureau Veritas and consulted by Arete Solutions.