200 contracts set aside for young entrepreneurs through i-Usahawan

200 contracts with the government, GLCs and statutory bodies to be ring-fenced for Bruneian businesses

MEMI’s Permanent Secretary (Manpower) Hj Zolkiflee delivering the opening address at the first contract signing for i-Usahawan held at the Design and Technology building.

200 contracts with the government, government-linked companies (GLCs) and statutory bodies will be set aside for young local entrepreneurs through the i-Usahawan initiative, according to the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI).

MEMI’s Permanent Secretary (Manpower) Hj Zolkiflee Hj Abdul Karim said the 200 contracts – many of them covering existing scopes of work – would be ‘ring-fenced’ specifically for i-Usahawan participants. 100 of these contracts will be in the oil and gas industry, while another 100 are targeted outside the oil and gas industry.

“We have started engaging several government agencies such as the Ministry of Development and Ministry of Finance and Economy and 18 companies under Darussalam Assets (companies owned by the government),” said Hj Zolkiflee at the first i-Usahawan contract signing ceremony held at the Design and Technology building in Anggerek Desa earlier today.

“The i-Usahawan programme is created with the intention for our youth entrepreneurs to start their own businesses by giving them opportunity to participate in low-risk contracts, where they can secure their first contract on a competitive basis.”

Within the oil and gas industry, the i-Usahawan contracts will be under the Basic and Development quadrants, lasting at least two years. Source: BSP LBD

Brunei Shell Petroleum’s (BSP) Managing Director Dr. Ceri Powell said the successful execution of i-Usawan contracts would be essential in ensuring there are a pool of developing local companies that will be ready to take on technically challenging and bigger contracts.

The i-Usahawan initiative was officiated by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam last year at the 13th National Youth Day as part of a wider entrepreneurship ecosystem to encourage Bruneian youth to start and grow their own businesses.

The initiative is open to aspiring and existing Bruneian business owners between 18 and 40-years-old who have yet to earn a contract with the government or GLCs. Participants are put through a training business development programme before being invited to a competitive tender exercise. They are also required to incorporate as a private limited company (Sendirian Berhand) upon winning a contract.

The first 30 contracts under i-Usahawan’s first phase are within the oil and gas industry. Three contracts were awarded earlier today by Brunei Gas Carriers (BGC) and BSP – each lasting three years with potential extensions – but their value was not publicly disclosed.

Syarikat Amira Barakah were awarded a contract to provide canteen and vending machine services at BSP’s headquarters, while BGC awarded the provision of cleaning, manpower and related services to Munch Brunch Canteen and event management to Mortar Events. BSP are planning to award five more i-Usahawan contracts this April.