Three Brunei businesses join ASEAN-Korea forum

Forum to discuss public-private sector engagement for SME development, export and linkages between ASEAN and Korea

Three Brunei-based businesses are looking to network and collaborate with businesses from ASEAN and Korea by participating in the Forum on Public-Private Sector Engagement for SME Development, Export and Linkages which runs from tomorrow until Wednesday in Siem Reap, Cambodia.

DotRoot Technologies, Esca Marine & Engineering Sdn Bhd and Korean Register (B) Sdn Bhd will be representing Brunei’s private sector at the forum, which is part of an ongoing partnership between ASEAN and the Republic of Korea (ASEAN-ROK). The national body for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) Darussalam Enterprise (DARe) will also be participating as Sultanate’s public sector representative.

The agenda of the forum comes from the recommendations made by the ASEAN-ROK Business Council, which calls for visits from ASEAN SMEs to Korea and vice versa, as well as sectoral boards that promote networking and cooperation between both ASEAN and Korea in shared industry sectors.

Co-founder and chief marketing officer (CMO) of IT and software development company DotRoot said that their participation connects to their vision of expanding overseas.

“Right now we are specializing in mobile app and web development,” said 28-year-old Uwuis. “Hopefully through this forum, we are able to explore more opportunities and industry developments in other countries.”

Malai Marshiem Taufik, the CEO of Esca Marine & Engineering Sdn Bhd, whose company has serviced the oil and gas industry, said the forum will allow them to diversify their ventures and gain new perspective.

“I think right now, more than ever, it is important for companies to be able to adapt and diversify,” said Marshiem. “This is the first time I or Esca is participating in an ASEAN level forum, and we are looking forward to looking to the possibilities not just for our company but for our country.”

Business director for technical consultancy firm Korean Register Brunei Kevin Lim shared similarly that the ASEAN-ROK platform and its proposed initiatives offer a unique opportunity for increasing economic cooperation.

The Republic of Korea initiated sectoral dialogue relations with ASEAN in 1989 and became a full dialogue partner in 1991. The ASEAN-ROK partnership has since been increased to a summit level in 1997.

According to the ASEAN secretariat, the sectoral boards will provide for more economic cooperation between the private sectors of ASEAN and Korea, particularly in the 11 identified ASEAN priority sectors: electronics, e-ASEAN, healthcare, wood-based products, automotive, rubber-based products, textiles and apparels, agro-based products, fisheries, air travel and tourism.