Dart to transport nurses to home-based patients

MOH Minister Dato Isham (6th R) with Dart CEO Zul'Amali (6th L) and Dart Founder Keeran (5th L) after the signing ceremony at MOH's Al-'Afiah Hall.

The Ministry of Health (MoH) has engaged Dart Logistics to transport nursing and healthcare professionals to home-based patients.

Dart’s year long contract will see the ride hailing service deploy its drivers starting January 4 next year to meet MoH’s schedule for community home nursing.

The agreement is part of MoH’s wider initiative to provide universal health coverage for Brunei residents, including those who are bedridden or unable to travel to healthcare facilities, as well as mothers with newborns.

MoH will sponsor the cost of the transportation, and expects the service to reach remote areas in the country, increasing the overall efficiency and quality of home-based patient management.

MoH added that the agreement will help increase employment opportunities for Dart’s drivers, the majority who are Bruneians between 20 to 40-years-old.

MoH Chief Executive Officer Special Grade Hj Abd Khalid As’ari Hj Azahari and Dart CEO Zul’Amali Dato Paduka Hj Idris signed the agreement earlier today at MoH, witnessed by MoH Chief Executive Officer Special Grade Roshima Hj Kamal and Dart’s Chief Operating Officer Siti Nor Syaahidah Hj Sahron.

Attending as guest of honour were the Minister of Health YB Dato Seri Setia Dr. Hj Mohd Isham Hj Jaafar and Dart’s founder Keeran Dato Paduka Janin.

Dart is Brunei’s first ride booking mobile application with a pool of close to 200 drivers; 30% who earn $1,000 monthly, with $3,000 being the highest reported monthly earnings. Drivers take home 70% to 90% of their earnings.

Since launching in 2017, Dart has completed over 100,000 rides and earned several local and regional awards.